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Getting started with VASP

Step 1: Perform these steps if you have no own Linux-based machine

Step 2: Connect to the machine with VASP

Step 3: Create an empty folder for your test run of VASP

mkdir vasp
cd vasp

Step 4: Copy necessary files for VASP


Example set of files can be dowloaded here

  • 1. You can download the archive to your computer and then copy it to the cluster using scp utility
cd path_to_archive
scp your_username@ip_address_of_cluster:vasp/ #terminal should be run on your computer and you have to be in the directory with the archive
ssh your_username@ip_address_of_cluster #move to the cluster
cd vasp #move to the folder inside cluster where our archive is after scp command is performed
  • 2. The second way is easier. You should connect to the cluster via ssh, move to the folder vasp and download our archive using wget utility
ssh your_username@ip_address_of_cluster #move to the cluster
cd vasp #move to the folder inside cluster 

Step 5: Create a run script Example can be found at the page of corresponding cluster. The script should be created in the folder with VASP files (test_calculation_vasp in our case)

Step 6: Run calculation

sbatch run #if there is SLURM workload manager


qsub run #if there is Torque workload manager 

The short describtions with basic commands you can find here: SLURM and Torque. The type of workload manager can be found in the description of the cluster (see corresponding page)

start/vasp.txt · Last modified: 2024/02/28 22:09 by a.boev

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