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Dr. Dmitry Aksyonov (group leader)

  • DFT, semiempirical, postHF, periodic and atomic basis set (VASP, Abinit, Gaussian, Mopac)
  • Monte-Carlo and MD
  • NEB, cluster expansion
  • Surfaces, grain boundaries, point defects, segregation, intercalation potentials, migration barriers, ordering, electronic structure (DOS)
  • Transition metal oxides, cathode materials, catalysts, metals and alloys

Dr. Anton Boev

  • Scientific packages: VASP, ABINIT, LAMMPS, NWchem, MOPAC, OVITO, Jmol, Vesta, SIMAN
  • Programming: Python, Fortran, Bash
  • General: Linux OS, LATEX, Office package
  • Computational materials science, High-throughput computations, Cathode materials for Li/Na-ion battery, Radiation-resistant alloys, metallic alloys
  • Computational study of materials for energy storage

Dr. Andrey Geondzhian

  • Green’s function techniques: GW, Cumulants, BSE, DMFT
  • Other: DFT, DFPT, TD-DFT, Quantum Monte-Carlo
  • Theoretical spectroscopy (from model and first-principle perspectives): XAS, XES, XCMD; NRIXS, RIXS, EELS; Optical Absorption; ARPES, XPS; HHG
  • New computational methods development: Many-body contributions (phonons, plasmons) in x-ray spectroscopy
  • Model development for quantum problems (electron-lattice interaction; topological semi-metals; light-matter interaction (weak and strong); electron-electron interaction; phonon-phonon interaction)

Arseniy Burov (PhD student)

  • Python, C++, Bash, Fortran; VASP, LAMMPS, Quantum Espresso
  • Solid-state electrolytes. Interfaces and charge transfer. Mechanical properties.
  • High-pressure and high-temperature physics

Daniil Chernyshov (PhD student)

  • Software packages: VASP, Siman, Abinit, Opium, Lammps
  • Programming languages: Python (Pymatgen)
  • Task mastery: Metropolis algorithm for Izing model, Hartree Fock for H2, quantum Monte-Carlo methods
  • Solid state electrolytes for sodium solid state batteries, defects modeling

Nikita Davydov (MSc student)

  • DFT (VASP), DFT+U, spin-polarised calculations, NEB, basics in Quantum Espresso and LAMMPS; python
  • Impact of Grain Boundaries on Oxygen Loss in LiNiO2 Cathode Material
  • Layered transition metals oxides, grain boundaries, point defects, magnetic materials (hexaferrites)

Maria Solovieva (MSc student)

  • DFT (VASP; SIMAN scientific package), Python
  • Anode materials for for Li/Na-ion batteries, hard carbon anode material; computational study of carbon materials' microstructure & electronic structure, intercalation mechanism

Tatiana Kobernik (MSc student)

  • DFT (VASP, Quantum Espresso)
  • Study of adsorption; construction of band structure, DOS; finding a highly symmetric k-path; calculation of effective masses
  • Calculation of conductivity in solid electrolytes
group/skills.txt · Last modified: 2025/01/18 12:31 by m.solovieva

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