Phase diagram construction
Chem pot space
Example for LiCoO2
from pymatgen.analysis.phase_diagram import PhaseDiagram, GrandPotentialPhaseDiagram, GrandPotPDEntry, PDPlotter, PDEntry from pymatgen.core.periodic_table import Element from pymatgen.core.composition import Composition path = 'path_to_your_workdir/' # Collect a dictionary of formation energies (from MP is ok) for interesting phases of considering system # Note, pure components should have a zero data_Li_Co_O = { 'Li' : 0, 'O' : 0, 'Co' : 0, 'O2' : 0, 'Co3O4' : -1.394*7 , # mp-714961 'CoO2' : -1.076*3 , # mp-1901 'CoO' : -1.235*2 , # mp-715434 'LiCoO2' : -1.780*4 , # mp-19149 'LiCo2O4' : -1.516*7 , # mp-19149 'Li2O2' : -1.760*4 , # mp-2340 'Li2O' : -2.093*3 , # mp-2352 } data = data_Li_Co_O el = 'Li' xlim = (-4.3, -1) ylim = (-3.2, 0.3) file = 'chemical_phase_Li_Co_O.png' entries = [] for key in data: entries.append(PDEntry(Composition(key), data[key])) PD = PhaseDiagram(entries, ) plot = PDPlotter(PD) plt = plot.get_chempot_range_map_plot([Element(el), Element('O')]) plt.xlim(*xlim) plt.ylim(*ylim) plt.savefig(path+'/'+file,bbox_inches='tight') plt.show()
tut/pd.txt · Last modified: 2023/04/03 16:16 by a.boev